Viktor Koroschetz

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Viktor Karl Koroschetz (born May 15, 1934 ; † February 3, 2011 in Graz ) was an Austrian textbook author, professor at the commercial academy and director of the federal vocational and educational institute in Styria .

Viktor Koroschetz studied at the University of World Trade in Vienna after graduating from the commercial academy and graduated with a degree (business graduate and Mag. Rer. Soc. Oec.). From 1959 he taught commercial subjects and data processing at the Federal Trade Academy in Graz and Feldbach and wrote IT textbooks. From 1979 he was director of the Federal Vocational Education Institute in Styria, which is now part of the Federal Education Institute in Styria. He had been retired since July 1993. Viktor Koroschetz had been a member of the SPÖ since 1954 . He became more widely known through numerous columns and letters to the editor in the daily press.

Viktor Koroschetz was married and the father of two sons.


  • Further training needs and expectations of teachers at vocational schools in Styria , together with Maria von Peteani; 1981.
  • What could school books be like? ; in: Education and Teaching, Volume 136 ; Österreichischer Bundesverlag, 1986.
  • Very simple - data processing - very simple , (together with his son Peter F. Koroschetz and Gerhard I. Heim); 1990.

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary in the Kleine Zeitung of February 6, 2011 p. 51

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