Villa Streccius

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Villa Streccius
Villa Streccius

Villa Streccius

place Landau in the Palatinate
architect Ludwig Levy
Client Heinrich Streccius
Architectural style Neo renaissance
Construction year 1892
Coordinates 49 ° 11 '35 "  N , 8 ° 6' 50"  E Coordinates: 49 ° 11 '35 "  N , 8 ° 6' 50"  E
Villa Streccius (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Villa Streccius

The Villa Streccius is a historic building in Landau in the Palatinate .

Building history

The Villa Streccius was built in 1892 according to plans by the Karlsruhe architect Ludwig Levy . In 1904 a horse stable with a carriage shed was built as the rear building. The client was the lawyer and notary Heinrich Streccius. Renovations and refurbishments took place in the 1960s and late 1990s.


Initially, the villa was used as a residential building and notary's office for the client until it was "handed over" to the NSDAP district leadership in 1935 . In 1941, the Nazi war victims' supply also moved into some rooms in the back of the building.

After the war ended in 1945, the representative building was confiscated by the French occupying forces and declared the seat of the commanding general.

The villa became the property of the city administration in 1957 and has been used as an exhibition space for contemporary art since 1959. In 1996 the community foundation of the city of Landau in the Palatinate acquired the building and in 1998 it was extensively renovated. The municipal gallery in the Villa Streccius is used alternately by the cultural department of the city of Landau and the art association Villa Streccius eV for temporary exhibitions. Since 2012, the Institute for Art History and Fine Arts of the University of Koblenz-Landau has been located on the 2nd floor with the “Work Area Art and Art Didactic Projects”.

Art Association Villa Streccius

The art association Villa Streccius was founded in 1980 and with over 500 members is one of the largest art associations in Rhineland-Palatinate. According to the company, the voluntarily run association is open to anyone interested in art. The aim of the statutes is the organization of exhibitions, the promotion and communication of contemporary art as well as the operation of the municipal gallery Villa Streccius. The self-designed club exhibitions are open to all branches of art.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kunstverein Villa Streccius Landau eV ( Memento of the original from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at, accessed on March 17, 2015 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /