Villa Wagner II

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Otto Wagner's second villa in Hütteldorf

The Villa Wagner II is a villa building built in 1912/13 according to plans by Otto Wagner at Hüttelbergstrasse 28 in the Hütteldorf district of the 14th district of Vienna , Penzing .


Entrance portal with mosaic by Kolo Moser

After Otto Wagner had sold his first villa ( Villa Wagner I ) in Hütteldorf in 1911 to the vaudeville entrepreneur Ben Tieber , he had a smaller reinforced concrete villa built on the neighboring property from 1912 onwards. The preliminary drafts for it, which have hardly been changed, date back to 1905. The building, completed in 1913, was intended as a widow's residence for his wife, who was almost 20 years younger than him, but she died in 1915. The house is considered the architect's last residence. He did not die here in April 1918, but in his city apartment in Döblergasse in the 7th district.


In contrast to his first villa , which had historicist elements, his second villa can be assigned to Secessionism , which in Vienna is classified as Art Nouveau , although its often strict geometry differs greatly from Art Nouveau , which uses floral elements. As a late secessionist building with cubic elements and an asymmetrical facade, the villa has a dense arrangement of narrow and high windows on the street side. A glass mosaic above the entrance portal depicting a scene from Greek mythology was designed by Koloman Moser and executed by Leopold Forstner's Vienna Mosaic Workshop . Other design elements are blue facade ornaments and a flat roof with a protruding cornice. A three meter high dining room box for glasses, which was part of the original interior, is now in the collection of the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna .


  • Dehio Handbook Vienna. X. to XIX. and XXI. to XXIII. District . Verlag Anton Schroll, Vienna 1996.

Web links

Commons : Villa Wagner II  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 12 ′ 38 ″  N , 16 ° 15 ′ 17 ″  E