Vincencio Juan de Lastanosa

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Vincencio Juan de Lastanosa

Vincencio Juan de Lastanosa (* 1607 , † 1681 ) was a Spanish scholar.

Lastanosa was an influential scholar of the Huesca religious college and a friend of Baltasar Gracián , the author of Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia ( Hand Oracle and the Art of Sophistication ), a much-cited collection of aphorisms. Lastanosa published the collection of aphorisms under the pseudonym Lorenco (instead of Baltasar) Gracián (see title page of the first publication from 1647 ).

Lastanosa's well-known aphorism reads: "The righteous have no laws and the wise have no advice" (from the preface to the reader of the Gracián edition of 1653).

Published works by Gracián

  • Baltasar Gracián: Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia, 1647, German: Hand oracle and art of sophistication - German edition: Balthasar Gracián, Handorakel ..., Ditzingen: Reclam, 1986, ISBN 3-15-002771-3
  • El discreto / de Lorenzo Gracián; que publica Don Vincencio Juan de Lastanosa. - Ed. facsímil.

Original: Amberes, en casa de Geronymo y Iuanbapt. Verdussen, 1669.

  • El politico D. Fernando el Catholico / de Lorenzo Gracián; que publica D. Vincencio Juan de Lastanosa. - Ed. facsímil. Sección de Historia.

Original: Amberes, en Casa de Geronymo y Iuanbapt. Verdussen, 1669.

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