Virginia Halas McCaskey

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Virginia Halas McCaskey b. Halas (born January 5, 1923 in Chicago , Illinois) is an American entrepreneur and owner of the NFL team Chicago Bears .


Virginia Halas McCaskey is - due to the death of her brother George Halas Jr. in 1979 - since the death of her father George Halas in 1983 a majority owner of the Chicago Bears . She owns 80% of the shares in Chicago Bears. Her husband, Ed McCaskey , held various positions with the Chicago Bears from 1967 to 1999 and co-owned it until his death in 2003. Her son Michael McCaskey was team president from 1983 to 1999 and then chairman until 2011, when his brother George McCaskey took this position. After the Buffalo Bills owner Ralph Wilson's death in March 2014, Halas McCaskey became the oldest owner of an NFL team. On January 21, 2007, the Chicago Bears won the NFC Championship Trophy, which is named after Halas McCaskey's father, after beating the New Orleans Saints . They moved into the Super Bowl XLI .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Family Matters: For Virginia Halas Mccaskey, Owning Her Father's Bears Is A `Wonderful Burden. , Chicago Tribune, December 27, 1999
  2. ^ Edward McCaskey, 1919-2003, Bears' beloved father figure , Chicago Tribune , April 9, 2003
  3. Brad Briggs, "Addressing issues: A new McCaskey takes the helm" , Chicago Tribune , May 6, 2011th