Virtual data keyboard

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A virtual data keyboard cannot be physically touched. The keys are projected onto any surface using a laser and can also be adapted to these proportions. An infrared - sensor determines the position of the fingers. The functional principle is based on the properties of light . Since it takes a certain amount of time to spread, the distance from objects can be calculated. Based on these calculations, a 3-dimensional image of the environment is created. The evaluation of the image is realized by the appropriate software . Such keyboards are used, for exampleSmartphones and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), as these usually have no physical keyboards and a keyboard should take up little physical space in order to be more handy.

Individual evidence

  1. John Edwards: Tele Cosmos: The Next Great Telecom Revolution . John Wiley & Sons, 2004, ISBN 978-0-471-69068-9 , pp. 199 ff . ( [accessed on January 31, 2020]).