Vitellia (daughter of Vitellius)

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Vitellia was the daughter of the Roman emperor Aulus Vitellius and the Galeria Fundana .

In the Year of the Four Emperors 69 married Aulus Vitellius with the governor of the province his daughter Vitellia Gallia Belgica , Decimus Valerius Asiaticus, who although probably died in the same year. According to Tacitus , Vitellius then offered her hand to his opponent Antonius Primus late in 69 .

Later Emperor Vespasian gave her a brilliant marriage relationship and presented her as a present.

Vitellia's brother, the younger Vitellius , was murdered in late 69 or early 70 on the orders of Gaius Licinius Mucianus .



  1. Tacitus, Historien 1,59,2.
  2. Tacitus, Historien 3,78,1.
  3. ^ Suetonius , Vespasian 14.
  4. Tacitus, Historien 4.80.