Viva Verdi

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Viva Verdi or Evviva Verdi , in English "Es lebe Verdi", is a historical Italian praise for the composer Giuseppe Verdi and, in encrypted form, also for King Vittorio Emanuele II in the late period of the Italian nation-state movement (see Risorgimento ).

Viva Verdi dissolved "Viva Vittorio Emanuele Re d'Italia" ("Long live Victor Emanuel, King of Italy"). This acrostic was created in the 1850s in the Austrian occupied Venice . In addition, not only the king, but also Giuseppe Verdi was regarded as a figure of national rank (see Nabucco ). Often it was about the against the pontificate of Pope Pius IX. directional "Non piove" added (literally: "It's not raining", meant: "Non Pio [IX]").

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Verdi e il Risorgimento italiano
  2. obituary Giuseppe Verdi in Agramer newspaper, January 29, 1901 S. 3rd Digitalisat
  3. Fremd-Blatt [Vienna], March 13, 1861, p. 3. Digitized