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Vivaristics refers to the care and breeding of animals in a living space that comes as close as possible to the natural habitat and is artificially created by humans, the vivarium .

The most widespread area of ​​vivaristics is aquaristics , in which attempts are made to reproduce the living conditions of various water-dwelling animal and plant species, be they freshwater or marine life, in an aquarium . However, terraristics are also becoming an increasingly larger area ; here an attempt is made to artificially reproduce the biotopes of lizards and similar living things in a terrarium .

A paludarium is a hybrid between terrarium and aquarium and is used in particular to keep amphibians and certain water-loving reptiles .

Web links

  • Franz Luttenberger: Vivaristics, an important discipline in zoo biology. Vienna after 1970, 4 pages, PDF on ZOBODAT