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A faux pas [ foˈpa ] ( listen ? / I ) ( French le faux pas , from faux “wrong” and le pas “the step”) is a misstep in the figurative sense, i.e. an unintentional violation of unwritten manners . The term found its way into the German language in the 18th century. The expression is part of the so-called "elevated usage". Audio file / audio sample


A faux pas is described as tactlessness, a violation of style, morals , etiquette , linguistic regulation , the requirements of a certain situation or similar unwritten manners that are based on ignorance, thoughtlessness or carelessness. Causes can be B. be:

  • Ignorance of the manners and customs of foreign cultures and social milieus
  • incomplete general education
  • insufficient knowledge of political or historical backgrounds
  • insufficient skills in dealing with the feelings, experiences and sensitivities of others
  • insufficient competence in assessing critical situations.

The action in question happens consciously, but without awareness of the error it contains.


The faux pas, like the mishap, is not due to misfortune or physical awkwardness and - possibly apart from schadenfreude - does not evoke any cheerfulness. It is also not the result of willful rule breaking or aggressive behavior; in that case it is an affront . The term faux pas also expresses that the transgression was not done with malicious or insulting intent. However, it cannot be ruled out that someone else's faux pas will be understood as an affront by others. The faux pas immediately reveals the ignorance or lack of style of the person who committed the faux pas. Depending on the severity of the offense, the reputation of the person concerned can be seriously damaged with other people they are talking to or in public.

Further use

  • In French, faux pas can be used both literally and figuratively as a misstep.
  • In German , instead of the word faux pas , the phrase " to step in " is often used .

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Faux pas  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Faux pas . In: Brockhaus Conversations-Lexikon. Volume 7. Amsterdam 1809, p. 341.
  2. Duden online .
  3. ↑ Faux pas. In: Digital dictionary of the German language . Retrieved September 10, 2019
  4. dtv lexicon . Volume 6. ISBN 3-423-03056-9 , p. 75.
  5. Maurice Blanchot : Faux Pas. Translated by Charlotte Mandell. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA 2001, ISBN 0-8047-2935-2 , p. Xi (Translator's Note).