Weierstrasse preparatory sentence

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The Weierstrass preparation set is a mathematical theorem from the function theory of several variables. It establishes a connection between zeros of power series and Weierstraß polynomials .

Introduction and formulation of the sentence

Let it denote the ring of convergent power series around 0. Each can be regarded as an element of by means of the definition . In particular, that is polynomial in included. Therefore one can speak of a polynomial degree . This is especially true for Weierstrass polynomials, that is, polynomials of the form

with convergent power series that vanish in 0.

A power series is called regular of order if the holomorphic function in 0 has a zero of order .

With these conceptualizations, the following Weierstrasse preparatory sentence applies.

  • Let be a convergent power series that is regular in order . Then there is a uniquely determined Weierstraß polynomial of degree and a uniquely determined unit with .

Proof idea

converges on a suitable polycircle . Since in is of regular order , one finds such that the function has exactly zeros in the circle for every fixed one . Let these be denoted by, with repetitions occurring for multiple zeros. One multiplies

off, a Weierstrass polynomial is obtained that does what is required.


The name preparation sentence comes from the fact that the power series is prepared for the investigation of its roots . Since the factor does not vanish as a unit in a neighborhood of 0, the zeros in such a neighborhood are the same as those of the Weierstrass polynomial.

For , that is, for holomorphic functions of a variable, the Weierstraß polynomial must be the normalized monomial . It is then with a holomorphic function that does not vanish in 0. The preparatory theorem therefore generalizes the fact that a holomorphic function of a variable with -fold zeros in 0 can be written as with a holomorphic function that does not vanish in 0 , to dimensions.

In order to classify the proposition, it should be mentioned that a proposition about implicit functions can easily be derived from it . If in regular is of the first order, then according to the preparatory sentence has the form

with a holomorphic function . Da , in a neighborhood of 0


See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Ebeling: Theory of functions, differential topology and singularities , Vieweg-Verlag (2001), ISBN 978-3-528-03174-9 , Theorem 2.1
  2. ^ Gunning - Rossi : Analytic functions of several complex variables . Prentice-Hall 1965, chap. II.B, Theorem 2 (Weierstrass Preparation Theorem)
  3. Wolfgang Ebeling: Theory of functions, differential topology and singularities , Vieweg-Verlag (2001), ISBN 978-3-528-03174-9 , comment 2.3
  4. ^ Gunning-Rossi: Analytic functions of several complex variables . Prentice-Hall 1965, chap. II.B, page 70