Weierstrass division set

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The Weierstrass Division set is a mathematical theorem from the function theory of several variables. The theorem allows division with remainder with respect to a Weierstraß polynomial .

Introduction and formulation of the sentence

Let it denote the ring of convergent power series around 0. Each can be regarded as an element of by means of the definition . In particular, that is polynomial in included. Therefore one can speak of a polynomial degree . This is especially true for Weierstrass polynomials, that is, polynomials of the form

with convergent power series that vanish in.

With these terms the following so-called Weierstrasse division theorem applies

  • Let it be a Weierstrass polynomial of degree . Then each has a unique representation as
  with   , , .
Is , so is .

Proof idea

The power series and both converge on a suitable polycircle . Since is a Weierstrass polynomial, one can find such that for all and . The functions are then defined on


which can then be shown to provide the unequivocal representation claimed.

The case n = 1

For the Weierstraß polynomial is necessary the normalized monomial and for each one receives the simple relation


Therefore the above theorem is only for non-trivial.

Variant for regular power series

A power series is called regular of order if the holomorphic function has a zero of order . For a Weierstrass polynomials of degree applies , ie Weierstrass polynomials have this Regularitätseigenschaft. Therefore, the following variant of Weierstrasse's division theorem is more general:

  • It is in regular order . Then each has a unique representation as
  with   , , .
Is , so is .

This follows easily from the version given above, because according to Weierstraß's preparatory theorem one can write with a unit and a Weierstraß polynomial . According to the above version of the Division set there are unique , , so that . Then there is a division breakdown of the desired kind.

Relationship to the prep kit

From the second version, in which the preparatory sentence was incorporated, the latter can easily be recovered. Is in fact regularly in the order , so there is according to the above sentence , , with . If one evaluates this equation in , it follows


So all must disappear and must be a unit to maintain the zero order. Therefore is a product of a unit and a Weierstrass polynomial, which ends the derivation of Weierstrass's preparatory theorem from the above version of the division theorem.


Weierstraß's division theorem, together with Weierstraß's preparatory theorem, enables the proof of important properties of the local integrity rings :

Variant for functions

The previous versions of the division theorem deal with convergent power series around 0, that is, seeds of holomorphic functions around 0. In the following, a variant is presented for functions that are defined in the vicinity of a solid compact polycircle , where stands for the end of the polycircle. re-denote the ring of seeds of holomorphic functions , that is, the set of all holomorphic functions defined in an open neighborhood , two such functions being identified if they match on a common open neighborhood of . Since non-empty interior has, each because of identity set by its very values determined, which means you it has to do with real functions, and defines a norm on . In order to be able to use the same idea of ​​proof as above, the first part of this idea of ​​proof must be included in the requirements of the sentence. This explains the following formulation:

  • It is a compact Polykreis, . Is further such that the function of germ in 0 a Weierstrass polynomial of degree respect. , And for each of all the solutions of the condition fulfilled. Then there is a constant such that:
Each has a unique representation
with ,  
and ,   ,  

As mentioned earlier, the proof idea presented above works. Additional work is required to determine the constants that only depend on and .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gunning - Rossi : Analytic functions of several complex variables . Prentice-Hall, 1965, chap. II.B, Theorem 3 (Weierstrass Division Theorem)
  2. Behnke , Thullen : Theory of the functions of several complex variables. Springer-Verlag, 1970, ISBN 3-642-62005-1 , p. 104, appendix to chap. V, §1: The preparatory sentence
  3. ^ Gunning-Rossi: Analytic functions of several complex variables . Prentice-Hall, 1965, chap. II.B, Theorem 7.
  4. Jörg Eschmeier: Function theory of several variables. Springer-Verlag, 2017, ISBN 978-3-662-55541-5 , Corollary 4.20.
  5. ^ Gunning-Rossi: Analytic functions of several complex variables . Prentice-Hall, 1965, chap. II.B, Theorem 9.
  6. ^ Gunning-Rossi: Analytic functions of several complex variables . Prentice-Hall, 1965, chap. II.C, Theorem 2.
  7. ^ Gunning-Rossi: Analytic functions of several complex variables . Prentice-Hall, 1965, chap. II.D, Theorem 1. (Extended Weierstrass Division Theorem)