Peter Thullen

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Peter Thullen 1933.jpg

Peter Thullen (born August 24, 1907 in Trier ; † June 24, 1996 in Lonay , Switzerland ) was a German- Ecuadorian mathematician . He was known for his research in complex analysis alias function theory ("Münster School of Complex Analysis") and later as an actuary .


Thullen studied mathematics at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster , where he worked in December 1930 with a thesis on the mapping through analytical functions of several complex variables. The invariance of the center of circular solids was promoted. He was assistant to Heinrich Behnke , with whom he published several articles and in 1934 published the well-known report on the functional theory of several variables, which was a standard work at the time. Thullen had to leave Germany as early as 1933 because he was persecuted by the Nazis, and then worked in Rome . Thullen had been very active in the Catholic youth movement and was hostile to National Socialism. From Rome he emigrated to Ecuador in 1935 , where he received a professorship at the Universidad Central del Ecuador in Quito . He was one of the leading figures in the founding of the non-university Escuela de Estudios Económico-Sociales in 1939, which became the School of Economics of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences in 1942 and the Faculty of Economics of the Universidad Central in 1950. Thullen became an applied mathematician in Ecuador and took over the direction of the actuarial department of the Instituto Nacional de Previsión , which organized the social security (today Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social ). He also advised other Latin American countries on the organization of their social security and worked for the state insurance companies of Colombia and Panama.

In 1951 he moved to the International Labor Office in Geneva , where he became chief mathematician in 1956 and headed the social security department in 1965.

After his retirement in 1967 he advised the governments of Cyprus and Luxembourg on reforming their social security systems and was an advisor to the World Bank . As adjunct professor of mathematics and insurance, he lectured at the University of Zurich . From 1971 to 1977 he worked as a full professor at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Freiburg in Üechtland .


  • With Heinrich Behnke: Theory of the Functions of Several Complex Variables. Springer Verlag, Results of Mathematics and their Frontier Areas, 1934, 2nd edition with the assistance of Reinhold Remmert 1970.
  • Reminder report for my children. Written in March 1988, in: Exile: Research, Findings, Results. Volume 20, 2000, Issue 1, ISSN  0721-6742 , pp. 44-57.


Individual evidence

  1. Among other things, H. Behnke, P. Thullen: Theory of the functions of several complex variables. About the generalization of Weierstrass's product theorem . Mathematical Annals , Volume 109, No. 1, December 1934.
  2. ^ Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Cincuentenario de Creación. Universidad Central del Ecuador (Spanish)
  3. ^ Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. Volume 55, No. 9 (sept. 1949), p. 877 (English).

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