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1628 pre-philately letter

The Forerunner deals with postal history and letters of Vormarkenzeit, ie the period before the first appearance of postage stamps .

In most countries, this point in time is in the middle or beginning of the second half of the 19th century . A pre-philatelist collects old letters with handwritten notes and stamps . As a rule, it is a question of folded letters or volar letters, i.e. letters sent without an envelope.


  • Anton von Kumpf-Mikuli: Introduction to old letters . In: Peter Feuser, Werner Münzberg (Hrsg.): Deutsche Vorphilatelie. Station catalog. Catalog of posting stamps . Stuttgart 1988, p. 22–79 (reprint. Compilation of articles from the SAVO circulars, Vienna 1933–1948; basic literature for beginning collectors of postal documents of any type and time, as well as any territory that should facilitate the systematization of postal history collection areas).
  • Peter Feuser, Werner Münzberg: German pre-philately. Special catalog and manual . 2nd, improved, one-volume edition. Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-927483-31-1 (the most comprehensive German postmark catalog for post offices of those German states / areas that were opened in the later German Empire in 1870. The posting stamps were only made up to the day before the first postage stamp was introduced was added to the respective competent postal administration. the processing period ends "in the face" thus in 1864 with the Grand Duchy Mecklenburg-Strelitz . However, the border crossing stamps were completely to the end of bilateral post contracts 1875, as well as the field and military post to the end of Wars of unification cataloged).
  • Joachim Helbig : Pre-philately. Interpretation of fee notes on letters . tape 1 . Munich 1997, ISBN 3-87858-489-X (The focus of the examples discussed are European transit letters that touch Germany - from the 19th century to around 1870, thus, contrary to the title, also contains stamped letters. In addition, a small Introduction to the German Script ).
  • Joachim Helbig: Pre-philately. Collect and understand . tape 2 . Munich 2004, ISBN 3-87858-553-5 (in-depth study of the previous Helbig volume).
  • Joachim Helbig: Post notes on letters 15-18. Century. New views on the postal history of the early modern period and the city of Nuremberg . Herbert Utz Verlag, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-8316-0945-1 .