Predicate offense

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In German criminal law, predicate offense refers to a criminal offense, the realization of which is a prerequisite for another criminal offense. However, the term is not mentioned in the text of the law itself, the law only describes certain constellations in which a predicate offense is recognizable as a condition.

  • The term predicate offense is used less often with regard to the offenses of preferential treatment ( § 257 StGB ), in which assistance is aimed at ensuring that the perpetrator receives the benefits of the crime, and the prevention of punishment ( § 258 StGB ), although also these facts can only be realized if another act has preceded it.
  • Sometimes one speaks of predicate offense in connection with offenses which were preceded by the offender's intentional intoxication, in particular the " total intoxication " according to § 323a StGB . According to this, the punishment of an offender would be limited or excluded due to the lack of (limited) culpability.

See also: Aiding and abetting after the act , intoxication