Vyasa (Author)

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Vyasa (Sanskrit: व्यास Vyāsa m. ) Was an Indian author who lived in the 5th or 6th century. He was the first commentator of Yogasutra of Patanjali . Nothing more is known of his life. This Vyasa should not be confused with the mythical sage Vyasa .

His comment Yogasūtrabhāṣya , sometimes Vyāsabhāṣya called, was later further commented by renowned Indian philosophers, of Sankara in Patañjalayogasūtrabhāṣyavivaraṇa (8th century), of Vācaspati Misra in Tattvavaiśāradī (9th century) and Vijñānabhikṣu in Yogavārttika (14th century). These comments are sometimes considered to be the most valuable for understanding the Yoga Sutra.
