Letra mix

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Letra mix
Letra Mix.JPG
Game data
publishing company Litor (1977),
Schmidt Spiele
Publishing year 1977
Art Dice game, puzzle game
Teammates 1 to 8
Duration from 35 minutes
Age from 8 years

Letra Mix is a letter game . It is similar to Scrabble , but dice are used to determine the available letters.

Course of the game

Thirteen lettered dice are thrown in the game . The player must now use as many of the fallen letters as possible in a given time in order to create words that are related to Scrabble in the crossword scheme.

If the corresponding hourglass has expired after two minutes, the points printed on the dice for each letter are added up and credited to the player.

Ultimately, the winner is the player who has scored the most points after a predetermined number of rounds.

The number of points to be achieved per letter varies depending on the frequency of the letter in the German vocabulary. For example, only one point can be achieved for each E used, because this is used extremely often in German vocabulary. For the use of a Y, on the other hand, seven points can be booked because this is very rarely used in the vocabulary.


Letra-Mix was first published in 1977 by the Norwegian publisher Litor. The German version is published by Schmidt Spiele . Before 1992 a version "Letra-Mix Profi" was released.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Description of the game by Letra-Mix Profi