Würzburg declaration of agreement

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The Würzburg Declaration of Unification was a supplement to the Erlangen Association and Honorary Agreement , in which the Catholic and weapons student associations declared the "previous disagreements that have arisen between the associations of the Erlangen Association and Honorary Agreement due to the question of the tightening of the criminal provisions on duels, to be regarded as done. "

The reason was the tightening of the criminal law provisions on duels by the Reichstag . On May 9, 1926, at an association meeting in Würzburg, chaired by the Academic Engineering Association (AIV), the associations involved agreed an additional agreement in which the CV and KV recognized the honesty of the viewpoint of the weapons students and declared the "fight against weapons students in the form of eliminating the duel by propagating dishonorable punishments ”in no way. In return, the weapons student associations declared it inadmissible "to show contempt to someone who, as a member of an association that is affiliated to the Erlangen Association and Honorary Agreement and does not give arms satisfaction, is morally opposed to the duel because he or she fails to challenge the duel or not accepted. "

The non-denominational Christian associations (Schwarzburgbund, Wingolf and the Association of German Boys) joined the agreement, but also emphasized the rejection of the duel for Christian and general ethical reasons.


  • The agreement with the Catholic associations . In: Deutsche Corpszeitung 43 (1926/27), pp. 88f.