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WChess (also W-Chess ) is a chess program from the 1990s. In 1994 it was the best of the eight competing computer chess programs at the Harvard Chess Cup .


It was developed as a DOS - program by the American chess programmer David Kittinger . Except for the 5th Harvard Cup in 1994, in which it scored an outstanding 5 points from 6 games, and thus achieved a better tournament performance than the eventual winner GM Joel Benjamin (6½ out of 8), it took part in the 24th  North American Computer that same year Chess Championship (NACCC) and in 1995 the 8th  World Computer Chess Championship ( WCCC) .


Web links

  • WChess in the ChessProgramming Wiki (English), accessed on December 4, 2017

Individual evidence

  1. The Fifth Harvard Cup Human Versus Computer Intel Chess Challenge (English) PDF; 220 kB accessed December 4, 2017
  2. ↑ Something new in the west - Frederic Friedel reports on the 24th ACM tournament in Cape May in Computerschach & Spiele (CSS), No. 4, 1994, pp. 27–32
  3. Steinwender and Friedel: Chess on the PC - Bits and Bytes in the Royal Game , Pearson Education 1998, pp. 147-149, ISBN 978-3-87791-522-6 .