Wa Municipal District

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Wa Municipal District
Location of the Wa Municipal district within the Upper West Region
country GhanaGhana Ghana
region Upper West Region
Capital Wa
District shape Municipal
District Chief Executive George Hikah Benson
population 70,000 (2005)

The Wa Municipal District in northwest Ghana is one of eight districts in the Upper West Region . It was created in this form in 2004 after the current districts of Wa East District and Wa West District had been separated from the Wa District.


In the district there are deposits of clay and other raw materials for ceramic and cement production as well as gold deposits. There are also some tourist attractions here such as the Palace of Wa Naa (the traditional head of Wa), the old mosque of Nakori and the tomb of Ekem Feguson . About 80% of the population practice subsistence farming . The district is a major cotton producer, the cotton is also processed in Wa.

Locations in the district

  • Wa
  • Busa
  • Charia
  • Boluses
  • Kpongu
  • Kperisi
  • Mengwe Goripie
  • Kolpong

See also

Web links