Lawra District

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Lawra District
Location of the district of Lawra District within the Upper West Region
country GhanaGhana Ghana
region Upper West Region
Capital Lavra
District shape Usually
District Chief Executive George Yasaame Sulley
surface 1051 km²
population 85,000 (2002)
Population density 81 Ew. / km²
ISO 3166-2 GH-UW-LA

The Lawra District in northwest Ghana is the smallest of eight districts in the Upper West Region and shares a common body with neighboring Burkina Faso both in the west and in the north . The district is home to two paramouncies, areas of traditional authorities, Lawra and Nandom.

Ethnic structure

Sisaala- and Dagaara-speaking groups can be found within the district, between which there have been significant conflicts over land rights in the past. The Sisaala-speaking population belongs to the Paramouncy Lambussie, the Dagara to Nandom.

More important localities

Only three villages in the district, Lawra, Babile and Nandom, have an urban character, i.e. more than 5000 inhabitants.

  • Lavra
  • Babile
  • Nandom
  • Boo
  • Doweni
  • Bu
  • Nabugangn
  • Kunyukuo
  • Puffies Baagangn
  • Brutu
  • Lissa
  • Eremon Zinpen
  • Tantuo
  • Kogle
  • Naapaal
  • Eremon Yagra Ku-Ongzigre
  • Tome Kokoduor
  • Kentuo
  • Munyopele
  • Eremon-Kuo-Ang (Naburanye).

See also


Web links