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The Walenseestrasse was a car road and main road on the left bank of the Walensee , today it is part of the A3 motorway .


In view of the increasing motor vehicle traffic, the Glarner Landsgemeinde approved a loan of CHF 1,500,000 in 1937 for the construction of a main road on the left bank. For various reasons, the construction was initially not carried out; at the Landsgemeinde in 1956, it became an issue again by decision of the district administrator . At his request, an additional loan of Fr. 2,900,000 .-- was approved.

Between Weesen and Murg , the N3 was opened as the main road in mid-1964 and led through the six tunnels of Ofenegg (370 m) , Weisswand (460 m) , Standenhorn (230 m) , Glattwand (100 m) , Mühlehorn (260 m) and Stutz (144 m) . The Walenseestrasse became a two-lane intermediate section of the otherwise four-lane route between Weesen and Walenstadt . It received the reputation of the eye of a needle, as traffic jams occurred several times a year, which also resulted in countless accidents.

The section was only expanded to a motorway in 1986 with the opening of the single-tube Kerenzer tunnel (5760 m), through which the directional lane to Murg / Sargans has since then been running. The old six tunnels and the road on the banks of the Walensee were converted to one-way operation and have since formed the directional lane to Weesen / Zurich.