Walter Giessler

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Walter Gießler ( December 8, 1939 - September 7, 2012 ) was a German engineer .

In 1992 he became the founding dean of what would later become the department of automation and computer science at what is now the Harz University of Applied Sciences . In this position he contributed to the development of this department until 1995. He became the holder of the professorship for control technology and power electronics and 1st chairman of the association "Friends of the Automation and Computer Science Department of the Harz University of Applied Sciences". In 2003 Walter Gießler retired.

The publication SIMATIC S7, which appeared in 2001, is one of his most important publications . PLC application planning and PLC programming , which appeared in four editions until 2009.

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary of the Harz University of Applied Sciences