Walter Green

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Walter Grün (born February 20, 1940 in Vienna ) is an Austrian geologist.

Green received his doctorate in 1968 at the University of Vienna Dr. phil. (Geology). From 1968 to 1969 he worked as an assistant at the Geological Institute of the University of Vienna. From 1969 to 1973 he was an assistant at the Geological Institute at the University of Bern . In 1974 he took up a position as a geologist at the Austrian Mineral Oil Administration in Vienna.


  • Flysch microfauna of the Hagenbach valley (Northern Vienna Woods), Austria . Ann. Soc. Géol. d. Pologne, 39, Krakau 1969, pp. 305-334
  • with Gerhart Lauer , Gerhard Niedermayr , Wolfgang Schnabel : The chalk-tertiary border in the Wienerwaldflysch near Hochstraß (Lower Austria) . Verh., Vienna 1964, pp. 226–283 online (PDF; 3.7 MB)
  • with Peter Faupl , Gerhart Lauer, Roman Maurer , Adolf Papp , Wolfgang Schnabel, Michael Sturm : On the typification of the Sieveringen layers in the flysch of the Vienna Woods / by the Wienerwaldflysch working group . Yearbook of the Imperial-Royal Geological Institute 113, 1970, pp. 73–158 online (PDF; 18.5 MB)
  • with G. Kittler, Gerhart Lauer, Wolfgang Schnabel, Adolf Papp, O. Corna: Studies in the Lower Chalk of the Vienna Woods . Yearbook of the Imperial and Royal Geological Institute 115, 1972, pp. 103–186 online (PDF; 35.0 MB)
  • with Herbert Stradner : On Nannoconus abundans nov. spec. and on Laminated Calcite Growth in Lower Cretaceous Nannofossils . Negotiations of the Federal Geological Institute 1973, pp. 267–283 online (PDF; 696 kB)
  • with Reinhard Fuchs, Adolf Papp, Otto Schreiber, Herbert Stradner : Occurrence of Egerien in Lower Austria . Negotiations of the Federal Geological Institute 1979, pp. 295–311 online (PDF; 744 kB)
  • with Fred Zweili : The chalky nannoplankton of the Dogger-Malm border in the Bernese Jura near Liesberg (Switzerland) . Yearbook of the Imperial and Royal Geological Institute 123, pp. 231–341 online (PDF; 7.1 MB)


  • Helmuth Zapfe : Index Palaeontologicorum Austriae. Supplementum (= Catalogus fossilium Austriae issue 15a). Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1987, ISBN 3-7001-0948-2 , p. 167 online (PDF; 426 kB)