Walther Frobe

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Walther Fröbe had been the chief editor of the National Socialist Schleswig-Holstein daily newspaper (SHTZ) since 1930 .

The doctorate political economist was by unemployment and activities for the chambers of crafts in Flensburg and Meldorf and the advocacy of peasant middle class in Schleswig-Holstein without special experience in journalism by the Nazi Gauleiter Hinrich Lohse made the chief editor of SHTZ. He ensured a moderate orientation of the paper. His predecessor Bodo Uhse had too obviously sympathized with the actions and actors of the Schleswig-Holstein rural people movement.


  • Markus Oddey: "... carry our worldview into the people every day." The Schleswig-Holstein Nazi party press and the Gauverlag , in: Working group for research into National Socialism in Schleswig-Holstein e. V. (AKENS) (Ed.): " Triumphant advance in the Nordmark". Schleswig-Holstein and National Socialism 1925-1950. Schlaglichter - Studies - Reconstructions , Heft 50, Kiel, Winter 2008, pp. 74–95.