Wanda Wróblewska (director)

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Wanda Wróblewska ( April 2, 1911 - September 30, 1997 ) was a Polish director.

After completing ballet training, Wróblewska worked as a choreographer in Vilnius from 1935 to 1938. 1938–39 she attended the directing department of the State Theater Institute (PIST). From 1946 to 1948 she studied at the Łódź Film School (PWST). In addition, she was assistant director at the theater of the Polish Army in Łódź from 1946 to 47 . Until 1949 she worked as a director at the Śląski Theater in Katowice, then until 1951 as an assistant director at the Warsaw People's Theater.

After directing the children's theater for a short time, she worked as a director in Kielce, Częstochowa, Rzeszów and Nowa Huta until 1955. In 1956 she founded the Teatr Ziemi Mazowieckiej in Warsaw , which she managed until 1968.
