Wandalbert (Dux)

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Wandalbert , also Wandalbertus , (* around 600 ; † after 643 ) was a Frankish nobleman and under the rule of the Merovingian Dux des Pagus Chambly in the Oise area , north of Paris .


Wandalbert came from a Franconian aristocratic family that was wealthy in the Oise valley around Écouen and, with Wandalmar I, produced a duke of Pagus Ultrajuranus in the Franconian part of Burgundy under the reign of King Guntram I from 590 to 604 .

Wandalbert is mentioned for the first time as Dux von Chambly and Vir illustris in two original documents of the Frankish King Dagobert I dated February 15, 632 and March 15, 633.

During the immaturity of Dagobert's son and successor as king of the Franconian sub-kingdoms Neustria and Burgundy, Clovis II , he was, according to the sources, one of the closest advisers to the regent Nantechild .

Due to his family ties to the Dux des Ultrajuranus, Wandalmar II, Wandalbert was at the center of the power struggle that was beginning between the Burgundian advisors of the royal mother and Patricius Willibad for supremacy in Burgundy, which began in 642 at the latest, after Nantechild's death warlike means and even endangered political stability in Neustria.

In September 642, at the gates of Autun , there was a decisive battle over power. While the Neustrian dukes around their caretaker Erchinoald held back the ready-to-fight troops, Wandalbert led the united Burgundian armies against Willibad, who was cut off from his warriors and slain in the turmoil of the battle, together with the allied Duces of Transjurania as well as the Pagus Attoriensis , Chramnelenus and Amalgar has been.

Individual evidence

  1. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Diplomata. 1, Diplomata in Folio; 1. Hiersemann, Stuttgart, 1981, ISBN 3-7772-6510-1 , p. 16.


  • Horst Ebeling: Prosopography of the officials of the Merovingian Empire from Chlotar II. (613) to Karl Martell (741). In: Beihefte der Francia, Volume 2, Munich 1974, pp. 231–232.
  • Eugen Ewig : The Merovingians and the Franconian Empire. 4th supplemented edition, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-17-017044-9 , pp. 146-149.
  • Patrick J. Geary: The Merovingians and the Franconian Empire. Europe before Charlemagne. CH Beck, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-406-49426-9 , pp. 186-187.
  • Karl Ferdinand Werner : Important noble families in the empire of Charlemagne: a personal historical contribution to the relationship between royalty and nobility in the early Middle Ages. In: Helmut Beumann (ed.): Karl der Große. Personality and history. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1967, pp. 22-23 ( PDF online ).