Hot stone massage

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Placed warm stones

The hot stone massage (hot stone massage) is a form of massage with the help of heated stones, usually made of basalt , which are placed on the body. The stones are heated to a temperature of around 60 ° C in a water bath. The aim is to relax the muscles through heat.


The hot stone massage is not only of Asian origin. It is transmitted from prehistoric times throughout the Asian, Pacific and American regions. In Germany it is usually only advertised with Indian origin. In the USA it is claimed that the warm stone massage originated in Sweden, but this massage is largely unknown there. In fact, the warm stone treatment has been developed independently in all parts of the world. In Asia the laying on of warm stones was already known before the Polynesian countries were settled, and the origin of this method is generally ascribed to healing and shamanism .

The term La-Stone means lava stones and goes back to the use of volcanic rock in Hawaii . The “La” in the name La-Stone also coincides with the Tibetan word for life energy, to which this word is also attributed. The old kāhuna also used sticks and the pōhaku wela , the hot stones , for massage, in Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Nui . Small, round, flat pebbles that have been washed off by the water are used in Lomi Lomi ʻiliʻili .

In the La Stone massage, cooled marble balls are used in addition to the heated stones, so that the massage is enhanced by a stimulus.


During the treatment, the client lays down on some of the stones, which are called layout stones. Others are placed on the body. Other stones are actively used and the patient is massaged with these stones, the stones being particularly suitable for friction .

It is also possible to tap the muscles with one stone and repeatedly hit the first stone with a second. In this way a massage stimulus is set that is similar to a vibration.

In addition to the effects of the massage itself and the muscle-relaxing effect of the warmth, the conscious use of the contrast between warmth and cold has an effect on the vegetative nervous system .

This massage is also often combined with aromatherapy , so that in addition to the effects mentioned above, essential oils also act on the body.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kahuna in Hawaiian Dictionaries