
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Warsz (Warsch, Wrsz, Wirsch, Wersch) was the legendary progenitor of the originally Bohemian noble family of the Wrchowez and is at the same time a recurring leading name in this family.

According to legend, this Warsz came to Bohemia around 644 with his close relatives, Lech and Czech, from Weiss-Croatia and founded the family seat there. According to another reading he was a descendant of Czech, which explains the centuries-old conflict with the Přemyslids for power in Bohemia.

After the extermination of this family in Bohemia around 1108, some family members fled to Poland, where they later established the family of Warschowitze and Grotowitze ( Rawicz coat of arms ).

In the 13th century another Warsz of this family was castellan of Krakow. He is also considered to be the namesake of the city of Warsaw (Warszewa), in the old town of which he owned at that time.
