What and how

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What and how was a magazine in the GDR . It was published biweekly between 1973 and June 1990.

Editing and Profile

What and how was published by the "Agitation" department of the SED Central Committee . The subtitle information, arguments, overviews for the agitator was the program. The magazine was aimed at party officials and mostly contained arguments and information on current events, with the aim of showing socialism in a better light and highlighting actual or supposed achievements of the GDR. Comparisons with “capitalist foreign countries” shaped the propaganda sheet that highlighted actual or supposed social grievances in the Federal Republic of Germany .


The role of what and how in the management of society was not insignificant: The articles were "found verbatim in the provincial press. Their content [flowed] indirectly into the comments made by the media, which were directly directed by the press office or the Central Committee of the SED. "


After the democratic revolution in the GDR , the party executive of the SED / PDS took over the publisher's position and renamed the magazine initially as Links was + wie, later as Disput was + wie . Announcements by the PDS and contributions to the debate on the reorientation of the party now shaped the paper. From 1993 the periodical was only called Disput and was the members' magazine of the PDS, then of the party Die Linke until its closure in 2020 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Birgit Wolf: Language in the GDR. A dictionary. Berlin 2000, p. 4.
  2. See results of the national economy. Facts and graphics. In: Was und wie, 12/1982, pp. 15-19.
  3. Werner Flach: How does an unemployed person live in Germany? In: Was und wie, 9/1977, pp. 10-12; The poor in Germany - a fringe group? In: Was und wie, 1/1984, pp. 16-18.
  4. ^ Gunter Holzweißig: mass media in the GDR. 2nd Edition. Berlin (East) 1989, p. 59.