Vasily Ivanovich Kelsiev

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Vasily Kelsiev in the 1860s

Wassili Iwanowitsch Kelsijew ( Russian Василий Иванович Кельсиев , scientific transliteration Vasilij Ivanovič Kel'siev ; * 1835 ; † 1872 ) was a Russian revolutionary, pamphletist and writer. He worked for Alexander Herzen and arrived in London in 1859. His propaganda work extended to the territory of Turkey and the Balkans. In 1860–62 he published a collection of Russian government documents on the Old Believers .


  • Sbornik prawitelstwennych swedeni o raskolnikach ( Сборник правительственных сведений о раскольниках ) (London 1860–1862)
  • Pereschitoje i peredumannoje ( Пережитое и передуманное ) (Saint Petersburg 1868)

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