Vasily Nikolayevich Slepkov

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Wassili Nikolajewitsch Slepkow ( Russian Василий Николаевич Слепков ; * 1902 in Ryazan ; † August 1, 1937 in Moscow ) was a Soviet biologist and philosopher who, like his older brother Alexander , fell victim to the Stalinist purges .

Vasily Slepkow studied in Moscow and Petersburg. In 1928 he was on a research stay in Berlin. In the same year he published his book Biologie und Marxismus . In 1929 he taught at the University of Kazan. Slepkow was expelled from the CPSU for the first time in December 1930, arrested and exiled in 1933. He was arrested again in January 1937, sentenced to death on August 1, 1937, and shot.

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