Wedego Lotze

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Wedego Lotze , also Lötz or Loetze , († after 1525 ) was a merchant and mayor in Greifswald . Together with his son Henning Lotze , he became known nationwide through the conflict with Ulrich von Hutten .


Wedego Lotze came from a patrician family in Greifswald. He was a son of Henning Lotze the elder. He enrolled at the University of Greifswald in 1459 and received his doctorate in 1466 as a Baccalaureus artium . In 1476 he became councilor and in 1485 mayor of Greifswald.

Around 1491, the mayor Wedego Lotze was sued for the death of the student Gerhard Berndes. He was captured by city night watchmen and died in prison. Since Lotze remained mayor, an acquittal can be assumed. In 1525, when there were unrest in Greifswald after disputes over the city's constitution, he resigned from office because of his old age. His successor was Caspar Bünsow .

Wedego Lotze's sons were Michael Lotze, who continued the trading business after his father's death, and Henning Lotze († after 1539), Professor of Law at the University of Greifswald.

Conflict with Ulrich von Hutten

In the winter semester of 1509/1510, his son Henning had taken the poor student Ulrich von Hutten into his house and supported him financially. When Hutten apparently soon felt compelled to leave Greifswald again, father and son Lotze, as his creditors, tried to prevent this. After Hutten had left Greifswald, they had him pursued by officials and, citing their lien, remove all of his belongings. That included his clothing despite the harsh winter. Hutten managed to get to Rostock, where he prepared the conflict with the Lotze in the Querelae in Wedegum Loetz et filium eius Henningum in a literary way.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Gottfried Ludwig Kosegarten : History of the University of Greifswald, with documented enclosures. Part 1, CA Koch, Greifswald 1857, pp. 136-137 ( [1] ).
  2. ^ Arnold Becker: Ulrichs von Hutten Querelae in Lossios: Humanistic culture of conflict between invective and elegy. In: Uwe Baumann, Arnold Becker, Astrid Steiner-Weber (eds.): Culture of dispute. Occidental Traditions of Arguing in Literature, History and Art. (= Super alta perennis. Studies on the effects of classical antiquity 2. ) V&R unipress, Göttingen 2008, ISBN 978-3-89971-465-4 , p. 111f ( Google books ).