Weekly Eleven News

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Weekly Eleven News is a weekly newspaper from Myanmar .

The Weekly Eleven News has been produced by the Eleven Media Group since 2005, which in addition to this newspaper publishes two sports newspapers, First Eleven Sports Journal (since 2000) and Premier Eleven Sports Journal (since 2003) as well as the Biweekly Eleven News Journal (since 2008). The newspaper's editor-in-chief is Wai Phyo .

The newspaper became known for its critical reporting, which has repeatedly led to the arrest of employees and the newspaper's temporary bans. The newspaper wrote about the floods in the city of Mandalay in August 2011, despite the ban . As early as the parliamentary elections in November 2010 , the newspaper was banned from publishing irregularities in the elections, which it then published on the Internet.

In 2011, the newspaper was awarded the ROG “Medium of the Year” prize by the organization Reporters Without Borders for its critical work .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b About us ( Memento from August 12, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) of the Eleven Media Group.
  2. a b ROG Prize for Freedom of the Press 2011: Syrian cartoonist and Burmese weekly newspaper are awarded. Reporters Without Borders press release dated December 7, 2011.
  3. Press kit for the ROG Prize for Press Freedom 2011 (PDF; 2.7 MB) Reporters Without Borders , 2011.