Wegkapelle in Hof

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Wegkapelle in Hof (2008)

The road chapel in Hof is one of the three road chapels in the Baienfurt community in the Ravensburg district in Upper Swabia . It is a station of the annual Weingartner Blood Kick on Blood Friday, the largest equestrian procession in Europe.

The chapel in the suburb of Hof is located on Mochenwangerstraße not far from Wolfegger Ach . The rectangular building has a hipped roof and a central gable turret in which there is a bell . The exact date of the construction of the chapel can no longer be determined. Presumably it was built in the 19th century . In 1950 it was extensively renovated and instead of a wooden porch, it was given a brick, arched entrance area. At the front of the entrance there is a plaque depicting the Weingartner Holy Blood relic . In the open building there is a knee bench and a cross.

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Commons : Wegkapelle Hof (Baienfurt)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 49 '32.3 "  N , 9 ° 38' 17.4"  E