Labor weakness

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When uterine inertia is called a weak or unproductive severity of contractions during birth . It is quite a common form of childbirth disorders . Depending on the degree of muscle contractions in the uterine muscle layer ( myometrium ), a distinction is made between hypo- or normotonic uterine weakness (“real uterine weakness”) and hypertonic uterine weakness .

Hypo- or normotonic weakness in labor

In the case of hypo- or normotonic uterine weakness, the contractions are too weak, too short or of too low a frequency - with a normal basic myometrium tone . The disturbance of the labor activity can be insufficient from the beginning ( primary weakness in labor ) or only appear in the course of the birth ( secondary weakness in labor ). A short phase of weakness in labor can be observed when the amniotic sac ruptures or when epidural anesthesia is initiated , but this is irrelevant for the birth process.

Causes of primary weakness in labor are

Causes of secondary weakness in labor are

In the case of primary weakness in labor, the cause of the disorder is eliminated. In the case of secondary weakness in labor, emptying the urinary bladder must first be considered, as a filled bladder reflexively inhibits labor . If there is no obstacle to childbirth, oxytocin can be given.

Hypertonic weakness in labor

In hypertonic labor weakness, the basic tone is increased, the frequency of labor normal or increased, and the duration and strength are normal. This labor disorder is characterized by unproductivity and results from uncoordinated contractions of the myometrium.

A tocolytic is used for therapy, and then further birth is supported with oxytocin if necessary.

See also


  • Kai J. Bühling, Wolfgang Friedmann: Intensive course in gynecology. 2nd Edition. Elsevier, Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-3-437-42401-4 , pp. 236-238.
  • Johannes Richter among others: Animal obstetrics. 4th edition. Georg Thieme Verlag, 1993, ISBN 3-489-53416-6 , pp. 223-224.