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As Polyhydramnios or polyhydramnios , short mostly hydramnios , commonly known as amniotic fluid addiction is, in the prenatal an exceptionally large amount of amniotic fluid with an amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) from and over 20 cm or with a large amniotic fluid about 8 cm (the date is more than two liters).

Frequency and possible causes

Polyhydramnios occurs in about 1% of all pregnancies . Increased occurrence is observed in the presence of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women ( gestational diabetes ).

In addition, amniotic fluid can build up if the growing child drinks little or nothing of it.

In some cases with hydramnios, there are peculiarities in the unborn child. A polyhydramnios is considered a sonographic soft marker for:

A recent study differentiated between moderate and severe polyhydramnios and showed that Apgar scores less than 7, perinatal mortality, and structural malformations occurred only in women with severe polyhydramnios. In another study, all patients with polyhydramnios who had a sonographically normal fetus showed no chromosomal abnormalities.


If the polyhydramnios does not resolve on its own, the possibility of an amniotic fluid puncture can be considered. The amniotic sac is punctured with a hollow needle and the excess amniotic fluid is drained through an inserted catheter .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Sandra L. Hagen-Ansert: Textbook of Diagnostic Sonography. 2012, ISBN 978-0-323-07301-1 , p. 1254.
  2. ^ A. Bundgaard, BR Andersen, L. Rode, M. Lebech, A. Tabor: Prevalence of polyhydramnios at a Danish hospital - a population-based study. In: Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 86 (12), 2007, pp. 1427-1431.
  3. ^ Y. Barnhard, I. Bar-Hava, MY Divon: Is polyhydramnios in an ultrasonographically normal fetus an indication for genetic evaluation? In: Obstet Gynecol. 173 (5), Nov 1995, pp. 1523-1527.