Vineyards in house winery and bailiff (Heilbronn-Klingenberg)
The vineyards in the Hausweingart und Amtmann in Heilbronn-Klingenberg are listed vineyards .
The vineyards on the northern outskirts of Klingenberg above the village center in the Klinge (in the valley) are the last vineyards that have not been land-cleared in the area of the city of Heilbronn. With terrace retaining walls and natural stone stairways, they document the historical structure of the vineyards. Up until the recent past, viticulture was the main source of income for the residents of Klingenberg, alongside agriculture.
- Julius Fekete , Simon Haag, Adelheid Hanke, Daniela Naumann: Heilbronn district . (= Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany , cultural monuments in Baden-Württemberg, Volume I.5.). Theiss, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-8062-1988-3 , pp. 233 .
Coordinates: 49 ° 7 ′ 11 " N , 9 ° 9 ′ 34.6" E