Julius Fekete

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Julius Fekete (also Július Fekete ; * 1949 ) is an art historian , historian , monument conservator and author . He is married to Iris Sonnenstuhl-Fekete, who works for the Esslingen City Archives .


Fekete studied mechanical engineering , art history and history at the universities of Bratislava , Heidelberg and Munich . On February 25, 1980 in Munich he submitted his dissertation in art history to Wolfgang Braunfels and Adrian von Buttlar . From 1980 he worked in the Baden-Württemberg State Monuments Office (from 2005 State Office for Monument Preservation Baden-Württemberg ), from 1993 until his departure in September 2012 as an area officer for the Böblingen district , the Heilbronn district and the Rems-Murr district .

Fonts (selection)

  • 1981: Julius Fekete: Preservation of monuments and neo-Gothic in the 19th century. Shown using the example of the Old Town Hall in Munich (=  Miscellanea Bavarica Monacensia . Volume 96 ). Wölfle, Munich 1981, ISBN 978-3-87913-110-5 (dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich 1980).
  • 1982: The Villa Merkel in Esslingen. In: Esslinger Studies, Vol. 21.
  • 1982: Contributions by Hungarian architects to Munich architecture around 1880 and 1900. In: Ungarn-Jahrbuch, Vol. 12, Munich.
  • 1983: The grinding and sawmill in Fichtenberg. In: Preservation of monuments in Baden-Württemberg, 4/1983
  • 1984: The cemeteries in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Shown using the example of the Ebershaldenfriedhof in Esslingen. In: Esslinger Studies, Vol. 23.
  • 1986: Hungary and the architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Munich. Lecture at the symposium "Bavaria and Hungary" in Passau, organized by the Southeast Europe Society and the East Europe Institute Regensburg. Published in: Issue 39 of the Southeast European Studies, Regensburg-Passau.
  • 1986: Julius Fekete (catalog and exhibition): Carl von Häberlin (1832–1911) and the Stuttgart history painters of his time . Gallery of the City of Esslingen, Villa Merkel, 4th July - 17th August 1986. Rosgarten Museum Konstanz, 22nd August - 21st September 1986. Ed .: Villa Merkel, Galleries of the City of Esslingen am Neckar. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1986, ISBN 978-3-7995-4101-5 .
  • 1987: The Michaelskirche in Stuttgart-Sillenbuch. In: Preservation of monuments in Baden-Württemberg, 4/1987, Stuttgart.
  • 1988: Gebhard Blank (ed.): Non-profit housing construction in the east of Stuttgart from 1890 to 1930 . A companion document to the exhibition in the Wilhelmspalais from September 8 to November 20, 1988. State capital Stuttgart, cultural office and city archive, Stuttgart 1988 (with the assistance and contribution of Julius Fekete).
  • 1988: The Serach Castle in Esslingen. In: Esslinger Studies, Vol. 27
  • 1988: The Central Cinema in Esslingen. In: Preservation of monuments in Baden-Württemberg, 4/1988, Stuttgart.
  • 1990: Julius Fekete:  Manz, Philipp Jakob. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 16, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-428-00197-4 , p. 99 ( digitized version ).
  • 1991: Ludwigssaline in Bad Rappenau, Heilbronn district. Mill with hydroelectric power station in Fichtenberg, Schwäbisch Hall district. Wilhelmskanal, Cäcilienbrunnenhaus and food factory of Kaiser's coffee shop in Heilbronn. Hydraulic accumulation plant in Neckartenzlingen, Esslingen district. Frankenbräu Brewery Krauss Brothers in Schrozberg-Riedbach, Schwäbisch Hall district. Funicular to the forest cemetery in Stuttgart. Hydroelectric power plant in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim. In: "Bridge, Mill and Factory", Konrad Theiss-Verlag Stuttgart and State Museum for Technology and Work Mannheim.
  • 1991: Julius Fekete: Art and cultural monuments in the city and district of Heilbronn . Photos by Rose Hajdu. 1st edition. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 1991, ISBN 3-8062-0556-6 . - 2nd Edition. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-8062-1662-2 .
  • 1992: Buildings by architects from Württemberg in the 19th century in Hungary. In: Count Istvan Szechenyi 1791–1860. Edited by Marton Kalasz, Culture and Information Center of the Republic of Hungary, Stuttgart.
  • 1992: Stuttgart - Neckarland (=  HB-art guide . No. 43 ). HB-Verlag, Hamburg 1992, ISBN 978-3-616-06543-4 (with the collaboration of Julius Fekete).
  • 1993: Dagmar Zimdars u. a. (Editor): Baden-Württemberg I. The administrative districts of Stuttgart and Karlsruhe (=  Georg Dehio [founder], Dehio Association [Hrsg.]: Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler ). Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-422-03024-7 , p. 736-775 et al. ö . (Julius Fekete worked on the Stuttgart district, that is about 24 local articles).
  • 1993: Preservation of monuments in the 19th and early 20th centuries using the example of the Esslingen Franciscan Church. In: Esslinger Studies, 32/1993
  • 1993: Preservation of monuments around 1900 - the relocation of a half-timbered house in Esslingen. In: Preservation of monuments in Baden-Württemberg, 3/1993, p. 167 ff.
  • 1995: Julius Fekete: History of the Ebershaldenfriedhof . In: The Ebershaldenfriedhof in Esslingen am Neckar (=  green planning and nature in Esslingen am Neckar . No. 2 ). Green Space Office of the City of Esslingen, Esslingen 1995.
  • 1996: Karl von Etzel. In: Journal for Württembergische Landesgeschichte, 55th year, p. 233 ff.
  • 1996: On the imminent repair of Neipperg Castle. In: Preservation of monuments in Baden-Württemberg, 3/1996, pp. 209 ff.
  • 1998: Bad Wimpfen, former train station. In: Preservation of monuments in Baden-Württemberg, 3/1998.
  • 1999: The doors of the Nikolaikirche in Heilbronn. In: Preservation of monuments in Baden-Württemberg, 3/1999, pp. 184–187.
  • 1999: Karl Schickhardt (1866–1933). The painter of the Swabian Alb. In: Esslinger Studies, 38/1999, pp. 91–119.
  • 2004: The "Sensitive" by Waldemar Grzimek. A cultural monument of the 1960s. In: Preservation of monuments in Baden-Württemberg, 4/2004, p. 226 ff.
  • 2005: Julius Fekete: Carl von Häberlin. History painter, professor at the Stuttgart Art Academy, 1832–1911 . In: Life pictures from Baden-Württemberg . tape 21 . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2005, p. 262 ff .
  • 2006: Julius Fekete: Philipp Jakob Manz . In: Maria Magdalena Rückert (Ed.): Württembergische biographies including Hohenzollern personalities . tape 1 . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 978-3-17-018500-5 , pp. 170 .
  • 2006: Julius Fekete: Carl von Schickhardt . In: Maria Magdalena Rückert (Ed.): Württembergische biographies including Hohenzollern personalities . tape 1 . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 978-3-17-018500-5 , pp. 228 .
  • 2006: Julius Fekete: Art and cultural monuments in the Boeblingen district . With photos by Joachim Feist. Ed .: District of Böblingen. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 978-3-8062-1969-2 .
  • 2007: Julius Fekete: Heilbronn district. With contributions by Gerhard Bauer and others, editing: Ulrike Plate, Daniela Naumann. (= State Office for Monument Preservation Baden-Württemberg [Hrsg.]: Monument topography Baden-Württemberg. Part 1: Administrative region of Stuttgart , Volume 5). Konrad Theiss, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-8062-1988-3 (information according to catalog of BSB Munich, different information for publisher, place and year in catalog of DNB).
  • 2008: "Above they are brought to the grave who rejoiced in the valley". The Michaelskirche near Gundelsheim and the preservation of monuments in the 20th century. In: Preservation of monuments in Baden-Württemberg, 1/2008, p. 45 ff.
  • 2009: Neo-Gothic and Monument Preservation. In: The neo-Gothic cemetery chapel at the Backnang city cemetery. Edited by the Friends of Friedhofskapelle Backnang e. V.
  • 2010: Philipp Jakob Ihle (1736 - after 1790). Porcelain, theater and church painter in Ludwigsburg, court painter to Prince Friedrich Eugen von Württemberg in Mömpelgard. In: Ludwigsburger Geschichtsblätter, 64/2010, p. 61 ff.
  • 2011: The sculptor Philipp Jakob Scheffauer (1756–1808). Another contribution to the work of a Stuttgart court artist around 1800. In: Yearbook of the State Art Collections in Baden-Württemberg, 47/2010, p. 80 ff.
  • 2015: Neo-Gothic and Monument Preservation. In: Backnang cemetery chapel. History, restoration and new uses. Backnang 2015, p. 10 ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Appreciation of retired employees . In: Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg , Volume 42, 2013, Issue 1, pp. 58–60, here p. 58. ( PDF ( Memento of the original from 6 July 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. , 4.89 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.denkmalpflege-bw.de
  2. CV . In: Julius Fekete: Preservation of monuments and neo-Gothic in the 19th century. Shown using the example of the Old Town Hall in Munich (=  Miscellanea Bavarica Monacensia . Volume 96 ). Wölfle, Munich 1981, ISBN 978-3-87913-110-5 (dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich 1980).