World crystal

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The world crystal is a model of the universe in which the fact is exploited that crystals with defects have the same internal geometry as non-Euclidean spaces , especially spaces with curvature and torsion , which are used in the Einstein-Cartan theory of gravity (which the Einstein Theory includes). The model is also called the Planck-Kleinert crystal. More recently it has also been discussed by Gerardus' t Hooft (Nobel Prize 1999) (see below).

The model is intended to illustrate that the world at ultrashort distances of the order of Planck length can look completely different from what string theorists assume. If in string theories a fundamental length of the order of magnitude of the Planck length is assumed and the elementary particles including the graviton are modes of vibration of the strings, matter in the world crystal model creates curvature defects on a microscopic level and thereby reproduces the results of the general theory of relativity , in which the Energy-momentum tensor of matter determines the geometrical curvature of space-time.



  1. Danielewski ( Memento of August 13, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 304 kB)