International Students' Day

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The International Students' Day ( World Student Day , International Student Day ) is November 17th .

It was proclaimed in 1941 by an "International Students' Council" meeting in London and commemorates the student protests in Prague against the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1939. The demonstrations were bloodily suppressed as part of the Prague special : On November 17, 1939, nine were held Activists - including František Skorkovský - were executed without a trial, and over 1,200 students were sent to concentration camps. It was about the reaction of the Nazi regime to the mourning rallies for Jan Opletal , who was shot in the stomach on October 28, 1939 on the occasion of the manifestations for the Czechoslovak Independence Day and died on November 11 as a result of this injury.

In the Czech Republic , the day called “Day of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy” ( Den boje za svobodu a demokracii ) is a national holiday .


  • International Student's Day (to the memory of Jan Opletal and all the other students who became the victims of the Nazi regime). London: International Council of Students in Great Britain, 1941 library record

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