Holidays in the Czech Republic

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In the Czech Republic , public holidays are officially (by Law 245/2000 Sb.) Divided into state and other (de facto Christian) holidays. Both are days of rest from work. Not all public holidays that are known from Christian, especially Catholic countries (such as Ascension Day ) are work-free in the Czech Republic. The national holidays serve to commemorate significant historical events related to the Czech statehood. There are 13 public holidays since the last change in 2016. In addition, other significant days are named in the law.

date Type German name Czech name Remarks Introduced
January 1st state Day of Renewal of the Independent Czech State; New Year The obnovy samostatného českého státu; Nový rok Establishment of the Czech Republic on January 1, 1993 2000
March April Christian Good Friday Velký pátek 2016
March April Christian Easter Monday Velikonoční pondělí second Easter holiday 1951
1st of May state Labor Day Svátek práce 1951
8th of May state day of the victory Den vítězství or Den osvobození End of the Second World War 1945, (former name Liberation Day , amended by Law 101/2004) 1992
5th July state Day of the Slav Apostles Cyril and Method The slovanských věrozvěstů Cyrila a Metoděje Arrival of the two missionaries in Moravia in 863 1990
July 6th state Day of the cremation of Jan Hus The upálení mistra Jana Husa The reformer Jan Hus was burned at the stake in 1415 1990
September 28th state Czech Statehood Day The české státnosti Anniversary of the death of St. Wenceslas in 929 and 935 2000
28th of October state Day of the creation of an independent Czechoslovak state The vzniku samostatného československého státu Czechoslovak declaration of independence on October 28, 1918 1988
November 17th state Day of the struggle for freedom and democracy The buoy za svobodu a demokracii Student protests in 1939 against the German occupation of Czechoslovakia ( International Student Day ), as well as on the 50th anniversary in 1989, which triggered the Velvet Revolution . 2000
24th of December Christian holy Evening Štědrý den 1990
25 December Christian 1st Christmas Holiday 1. svátek vánoční 1951
December 26th Christian 2nd Christmas Day ( Stephanitag ) 2. svátek vánoční 1951

Shops with a sales area of ​​more than 200 m² must remain closed on public holidays marked in bold. In addition, these shops are only allowed to be open until 12 noon on December 24th. Shops at airports and train stations, pharmacies and petrol stations are not affected by this rule.

Significant days

The two important days mentioned in Law 245/2000 (March 12 and May 5) have been supplemented by amendments 101/2004 Sb. And 129/2006 Sb. By additional days. Currently they are: