Weni Markowski

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Weni Markowski

Weni Milanow Markowski (also written Veni Milanov Markowski , Bulgarian Вени Миланов Марковски ; born  April 3, 1968 in Skopje , Yugoslavia ) is a Bulgarian writer and publicist, founder and chairman of the Internet Society in Bulgaria.

Weni Markowski was born in the socialist Yugoslav republic of Macedonia . He and his family were expelled from Yugoslavia on June 3, 1968 because his father, the writer Mile Markowski, refused to bow to pressure from the Yugoslav communists to call himself Macedonians instead of Bulgarians. A few years later, Mile Markowski died on April 12, 1975 in a car accident that has not yet been clarified.

Having arrived in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, Weni Markowski graduated from the 114 English-language grammar school in Sofia in 1987 and graduated in law from the Kliment-Ohridski University in 1997 . Between 1990 and 1993 he worked as a system administrator . In 1993 he founded BOL.bg together with Dimitar Ganchev, and was its chairman until 2002, the second internet provider in Bulgaria, which is now part of PowerNet.

Weni Markowski is a regular contributor to Wikipedia .

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