Advertising mail test

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The effect of an advertising medium is determined with an advertising mail test.


The following are used to measure the memory effect of advertising materials:

Recognition test (recognition)

A recognition test examines and analyzes the degree of recognition, e.g. B. certain advertisements within a magazine or a commercial after being broadcast several times.

Recall test (reminder)

The recall test uses two methods to test whether people remember certain advertising messages . So-called unaided recall and aided recall are used.

Unaided recall

No provision of reminder aids, d. H. the target person should describe details of an advertisement

  • Unsupported brand awareness, a brand is known even without a list of brand names being provided
  • Brand is part of the active brand vocabulary

Aided recall

Memory aids (e.g. brand name list) should stimulate memory.

  • Aided brand awareness, a brand is recognized on the basis of a list of brand names presented; it describes the aided memory. With the help of memory aids (e.g. images, photos, etc.) it is determined to what extent the respondent can remember an advertising medium .
  • The brand belongs to a person's passive brand vocabulary
  • The failure to name the brand despite assistance underlines the low relevance that the brand has achieved for customers so far.