Werner Michl

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Werner Michl (born July 19, 1950 ) is a German university didactician in the social educational fields of youth work, youth welfare and adult education, with a focus on (modern) experiential education , action-oriented learning and outdoor training .

Live and act

After graduating from high school in 1971, he studied pedagogy, psychology, ethnology and sociology at the LMU Munich and completed his studies with a Magister Artium . 1977–1978 he was a research assistant at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institut of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. In 1986 he received his doctorate as Dr. phil. 1979–1990 he was director of the youth leisure center Pullach of the district youth association (KJR) Munich-Land (Pullach) (from 1981 youth education center Burg Schwaneck), 1990–1993 he was advisor for youth welfare of the Catholic youth welfare of the archdiocese of Munich and Freising e. V.

From 1993 to 2016 Michl was appointed professor for social work at the Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg (interruption 1996-2002: Head of the “Center for University Didactics of the Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences - DiZ” in Kempten; in 2002 he completed a practical semester at OUTWARD BOUND Germany and Visiting professor at the Mikkeli Polytechnic (Finland)). In 2009 he was appointed professeur associé at the University of Luxembourg.

Michl is a longstanding member of various clubs, associations and initiatives, u. a. Since 1997 member of the preparation team for the international congress experience and learn in Augsburg, member of the board of Erlebnistage, of the PEP advisory board (further training in practical experiential education) of adventure days and co-organizer of the summer and winter university, Federal Association of Individual and Adventure Pedagogy, Dortmund (including scientific Support: Quality seal “beQ - definitely educational”), vhb - Association of University Teachers in Bavaria, Scientific Advisory Board of OUTWARD BOUND Professional and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Sinn Foundation.

In 1992, Michel and Michael Jagenlauf founded the magazine e & l - experience and learn , of which he is the editor to this day. Together with Bernd Heckmair, he published the book Experience and Learn. Entry into experiential education .

Publications (selection)


  • W. Michl (Hrsg.): Practice of ecological education in youth work. edition adventure education. Lueneburg 1992.
  • A. Bedacht, W. Dewald, B. Heckmair, W. Michl, K. Weis (Eds.): Experiential Education - Mode, Method or More? (= Social work in the turn. Volume 12). Munich 1992
  • B. Heckmair, W. Michl: Experience and learning. Entry into experiential education. Luchterhand Verlag, Neuwied 1993.
  • B. Heckmair, W. Michl, Walser, F. (Eds.): The rediscovery of reality. Experience in social discourse and in educational practice. Publishing house Dr. J. Sandmann, Munich 1995.
  • W. Michl, J. Riehl (Ed.): Gaining life. Contribution of experiential education to the accompaniment of young people with multiple disabilities. Publishing house Dr. J. Sandmann, Alling 1996. (book and video)
  • W. Michl, P. Krupp, Y. Stry (Hrsg.): Didactic profiles of the universities of applied sciences. Projects, products, positions. Luchterhand Verlag, Neuwied / Kriftel 1998.
  • J. Einwanger, W. Michl: Life under control. Documentation of a long-term educational experience project - with home youth in caves, rocks and snow. Interactive CD-ROM. Publishing house Dr. J. Sandmann, Alling 1998.
  • C. Schödlbauer, H. Paffrath, W. Michl (Ed.): Metaphern. About expressways, mule tracks and dead ends of learning. ZIEL-Verlag, Augsburg 1999.
  • W. Michl, C. Schödlbauer: Conceived conversations from two millennia. A reading and study book about experience and learning. Luchterhand Verlag, Neuwied / Kriftel 1999.
  • W. Michl (Ed.): Evaluation and teaching report. Recommendations for deans of students. ZIEL-Verlag, Augsburg 1999.
  • A. De Cuvry, F. Haeberlein, H. Bress, W. Michl (eds.): Experience adult education. On the topicality of action-oriented adult education. Luchterhand Verlag, Neuwied / Kriftel 2000.
  • B. Heckmair, W. Michl: Experience and learning. Entry into experiential education. Luchterhand Verlag, Neuwied / Kriftel 2002.
    • B. Heckmair, W. Michl: Yaşamak ve öğrenmek. Yaşantı pedagojisine giriş. Ilyayinevi, Izmir 2006.
  • W. Michl: experiential education. 2nd Edition. UTB profiles, Munich 2011.
    • Werner Michl: Pedagogika Przeżyć. WAM, Kraków 2011. (Polish translation - Michl: Erlebnispädagogik. Munich 2009 (UTB))
    • Вернер Михель:. Педагогика переживания. Москва 2013. (URSS) Russian translation - Michl: Erlebnispädagogik. Munich 2011 (UTB)
  • Bernd Heckmair, Werner Michl: From hand to brain and back. Moving learning in the focus of brain research. ZIEL-Verlag, Augsburg 2013.
  • Janne Fengler, Michael Jagenlauf, Werner Michl (eds.): Experiential education: 30 milestones in 20 years. ZIEL-Verlag, Augsburg 2014 (ziel-verlag.de)


  • Book series "Experience & Learn" Munich / Bern (Ernst Reinhardt Verlag)
  • Trade journal e & l - experience and learn. International journal for action-oriented learning. "Augsburg (ZIEL-Verlag)

Web links