Wiardi Beckman Foundation

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The Wiardi Beckman Foundation (Dutch Wiardi Beckman Stichting ) is the scientific institute of the Dutch Social Democracy ( PvdA ) and has the task of establishing a connection between the results of scientific research and the party's program development. It publishes a number of publications, including the monthly magazine Socialisme & Democratie , organizes conferences. The foundation based in The Hague has a small group of permanent employees who are financed by state funding and contributions from the party, but is also dependent on voluntary work.

The name of the foundation was in memory of those born in 1904 social democratic politician Herman Bernard Wiardi Beckman selected which during the Second World War to participate in the Dutch government in exile was provided, but before he fled to England in January 1942 by the German security service arrested and finally died in March 1945 in the Dachau concentration camp .

Two former employees of the foundation who have turned their backs on social democracy have since made a name for themselves in other political contexts: Femke Halsema headed the GroenLinks party from 2002 to 2010 , Ayaan Hirsi Ali , at times a member of the VVD ; made headlines in May 2006 when a heated controversy arose over her expatriation .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Contact | Wiardi Beckman Stichting. In: wbs.nl. Retrieved October 22, 2016 .