Resistance from Şebinkarahisar

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The Şebinkarahisar resistance was an unsuccessful action by Armenian fedajins from the Huntschak party in what is now Giresun province from June 2 to 30, 1915, against the genocide of the Armenians committed by the Ottoman military . The Armenians hid in a fortress outside the city castle of Schabin-Karahisar , where 250 men under Hampartsum Boyadjian fought against the 1,000 Turkish soldiers.

The resistance was unsuccessful. The Ottoman losses amounted to only 2 officers and 82 soldiers and 30 civilians.


News of massacres in other regions terrified the people of Şebinkarahisar. In April 1915, hundreds of young men were arrested. In June, all religious dignitaries in the region were executed. After that, 200 Armenian traders and market operators were killed.

The able-bodied Armenians from Şebinkarahisar therefore decided to resist. They began burning their own houses and barricaded themselves in a nearby fortress. After a few weeks they ran out of ammunition. They decided to get out of the castle and fight with their bare hands. After that there were only women, children and the elderly in the city, who were killed after the resistance was suppressed.

The Resistance at Şebinkarahisar was recorded in his book The Fall of the Airie by Aram Haigaz , who survived this battle and the death marches that followed . The book also cited eyewitness accounts of these events.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Richard G. Hovannisian: Armenian Sebastia / Sivas and Lesser Armenia. Mazda Publishers, 2004, ISBN 978-1-56859-152-0 , p. 399.
  2. Simon Payaslian: The Armenian Resistance at Shabin-Karahisar in 1915. 5th International conferences on Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces
  3. Mihran Kurdoghlian: Armenian History . tape III . Hradaragoutioun Azkayin Ousoumnagan Khorhourti, Athens , Greece 1996, p. 93 (Armenian: Hayots Badmoutioun . Translated from Armenian).