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The Wienachts-Chindli (Christmas or Christkind) are a Seetal winter custom that takes place on December 24th ( Christmas Eve ) and December 25th . After it was originally to be found in the entire Seetal , it is only practiced in Hallwil today .


In Hallwil , families are traditionally visited by Wiehnechts-Chindli (Christmas child ) on Christmas Eve and, since the 1950s, also on Christmas Eve . Seven girls between the ages of 12 and 14 come together to make the population happy. The oldest girl takes on the role of the Wiehnechts-Chindli , she is dressed in white and covered with a veil. The six companions dress in pink robes. They perform a rehearsed song in a family's living room, while the Wiehnachts-Chindli distributes self-baked Christmas cookies (Christmas cookies).

See also