Vienna Rupert Riedl Prize

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The Wiener-Rupert-Riedl-Preis , also Wiener Rupert-Riedl-Preis for interdisciplinary diploma theses and dissertations , is an Austrian science award .


The Wiener Rupert Riedl Prize has been awarded since 2003 by the Club of Vienna , an international association for the promotion of interdisciplinary research, together with the City of Vienna , for the commitment to the irretrievable in nature and the environment .

The award named after Rupert Riedl was previously endowed with 3 × 1,000 euros . Completed, interdisciplinary and practice-related work in the natural sciences , economics , engineering , social sciences and humanities is funded . The prize is donated by sponsors .

Award-worthiness criteria

The most important criterion of the award-worthiness is the anchoring of the work in the evolutionary epistemology. Works that do not meet this criterion will be excluded from the competition.

Award winners

  • 2003
    • Jakob Egger: "Traffic volume and employment effects of small-scale inner-city structures compared to large-scale extra-urban peripheral structures"
  • 2004
    • Manfred Drack “Bionics and Ecodesign. Investigation of biogenic materials with regard to principles that can be used for an environmentally friendly production design "(dissertation)
    • Heike Schiebeck "Hiking across borders - a human geographic case study"
    • Sabine Höllersberger "Sustainable tourism as a development strategy with special consideration of pro-poor tourism"
  • 2005
    • Anja Aichinger, Ulrike Neureiter “The short-term park. A Volksgarten update. “Vienna University of Technology; Faculty of Architecture a. Spatial planning
    • Antje Bultmann "Civil courage and whistleblowing for the preservation of nature and social peace"
    • Harald A. Friedl “The justifiability of ethnotourism using the example of the Tuareg in the Agadez region, Republic of Niger (West Africa). An evaluation from the perspective of applied tourism ethics. ”University of Graz; Institute for Philosophy
  • 2006
    • Christine Rottenbacher “Moving planning process. Shared experience leads to a mutually agreed reality in the planning process "
    • Michaela Wiesinger "Limits of Resource Throughput and Population Growth in Different Countries of the World"
    • Birgit Zitzler “The effect of music on the body and mind, taking into account situation-related, personality-specific and music-immanent influencing factors. Functions and objectives of music in rhythmic-musical education "
  • 2007
    • Zelimir Ðordevic "Music from an evolutionary theoretical perspective"
    • Harald Paukovits “The role of management consultants in the diffusion of management innovations. An analysis from the perspective of diffusion theory and neo-institutionalism "
    • Elisabeth Gotschi "Farmer Groups in Búzi District, Mozambique: Social Capital Development in the Smallholder Sector"
  • 2015
    • Barbara Beinstein: "The potential of the institutional economy to explain social inequality and the further development of poverty research"
    • Petra Gruber: "Biomimetics in Architecture [architectural bionics] - Architecture of Life and Buildings"
  • 2016
    • Annika Huber: "Empathic-like responding in dogs (Canis familiaris) to emotional sounds of humans and conspecifics"
    • David Beraha: "Culture at large: the fundamental (f) laws of evolutionary psychology"
  • 2017
    • Sarah Bitschnau: "Evolutionary prerequisites for human dignity taking into account biographical and cultural aspects"
    • Christoph Meißelbach : “The evolution of cohesion. Anthropological foundations of social capital theory "
  • 2019
    • Roman O. Jordan: “Physics and Biology of Knowledge. The natural and scientific philosophy of Carl Friedrich von Weizäcker and Rupert Riedl "
    • Bettina Ludwig: "Hunter-Gatherer Research: About the Relationship Between Tracking and Scientific Conclusions"
    • Robin Markwica: "Emotional Choices: How the Logic of Emotions Affects Diplomacy"

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