Wienertscher Hof

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Wienertscher Hof

The Wienertsche Hof is a listed farm in the village of Drackenstedt, part of the municipality of Eilsleben in Saxony-Anhalt .


The farm is located in the south-western part of the village on the west side of Kleine Straße at the address Kleine Straße 4, 8, 9 .

Architecture and history

The farm is already mentioned in the Dreilebener Erbbuch from 1668. At this point in time, the farm belonged to the Kossaten Drewes Hagedorn . There was a new house. The entry in the hereditary book at that time reads: Hauß und Hoff, has a new house, lacks barn and place, from the church around 16. Pf. Zinß is 1 gge. 1/2 hooves from the Lord to St. Nicolai in Magdeburg for the inheritance of around 9 gge 6 pf. Later the farm belonged to Hennig Gödicke and was called Gödikscher Kossatenhof . Later it belonged to the Wienert family , from which the name Wienertscher Hof arises. Until about 1855 the farm was owned by the Giesecke family . In 1910 the farm was merged with the Zimmermann family farm under the same owner.

The historic archway on Kleine Straße is remarkable. On its south side there is a tower, the top floor of which is designed as a half-timbered tower. The house to the north of this, facing the street, has a half-timbered structure on the upper floor.

The farm is listed in the local monument register under registration number 094 97321 as a monument .

Individual evidence

  1. Volker Limburg , Drackenstedter Geschichte (n), Volume 2, Dreileben-Drackenstedt 2016 (self-published), page 368
  2. Volker Limburg, Drackenstedter Geschichte (n), Volume 3, Dreileben-Drackenstedt 2016 (self-published), page 79
  3. Short question and answer Olaf Meister (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), Ministry of Culture March 19, 2015 Printed matter 6/3905 (KA 6/8670) List of monuments Saxony-Anhalt , page 274.

Coordinates: 52 ° 9 ′ 16 ″  N , 11 ° 20 ′ 39.7 ″  E